Effective Home Remedies for Dry Skin
Dry skin, unlike other skin types, requires extra care since it dries quickly and becomes flaky if not moisturized properly. Plenty of products claim to provide moisture, but harmful chemicals within can make them unsafe for sensitive skin. On top of that, using harsh products over the long term can harm your skin and age you prematurely. Therefore, many, especially those with sensitive skin, switch to natural home skin remedies.
There are plenty of ingredients lying around your kitchen that can work as nourishing face masks, cleansers, and moisturizers to combat dry and flaky skin. Dry and flaky skin is hard to treat since there could be many reasons for it. Therefore, it is important to talk to a dermatologist, and follow a skincare routine using these natural, hydrating home remedies:
1. Milk cream
Milk cream is a popular and traditional solution to treat dry skin because of its intense moisturizing properties. It is the most commonly used home remedy for dry skin in every household. It contains lactic acid that helps in enhancing the health of your skin, making it look nourished. Also, lactic acid helps exfoliate dry skin cells, removing the dead skin from the surface, and supports collagen boosting. Also, milk is rich in caprylic acid, which helps balance the skin’s pH level. Overall, it acts as a great moisturizer, eliminating dry and flaky skin.
2. Honey
Natural home remedies for dry skin are incomplete without honey. Honey acts as a natural humectant which helps nourish dry and flaky skin. It has a huge amount of antioxidants that help transfer hydrogen from any substance to the oxidizing agent; this slows down the cell damage process. Skin, the largest organ in the human body, prevents other organs from getting damaged, so it is essential to take proper care of it. Honey has antioxidants that control free radicals, a major cause for skin cell damage.
3. Castor oil
Not many know but castor oil is a great agent for skin care. Castor oil helps treat sunburns, acne, and moisturizes dry skin. When applied daily, it helps increase the amount of collagen and elastin, a protein that helps the tissues return to their original shape even after tugging or stretching it. Pro tip: castor oil also doubles as a great eyelash serum to help promote growth and less breakage. Simply use a clean mascara wand to comb a bit of castor oil through your lashes, particularly across the lash line.
Although taking care of dry skin is difficult, using a few home remedies daily can help your skin effectively. These ingredients nourish your skin so it can look healthy and radiant.