Breast Cancer and its Risk Factors
Some risk factors that lead to breast cancer cannot be avoided, like one’s age and genetics, but there are some risk factors that can be prevented, such as a lack of physical activity, obesity, smoking, and an unhealthy diet. The risk factors of breast cancer can be lowered by following a healthy lifestyle which includes a proper diet and physical activity.
Some of the common risk factors that increase the chances of women getting the different types of breast cancer include:
1. Age factor
Aging increases the risk of breast cancer. You are more likely to develop breast cancer at the age of 60 years and older. Age regulates the occurrence of breast cancer in males and females. The type of breast cancer can vary depending on the affected person’s age.
2. Sex
The risk of breast cancer is higher in women than in men. Men have less of a chance of getting breast cancer, but they can still get it. Gender can play a decisive role in determining the different types of breast cancer.
3. Genetics
A higher chance of breast cancer development can be seen in women carrying BRCA2 and BRCA1 genes. These genes can be inherited from parents. TP53 is another gene which increases the risk of breast cancer. The chances of developing breast cancer increase if a close relative has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Hence, cancer can be hereditary in nature.
4. History of breast cancer
Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the past are more prone to getting affected by it again. Having had breast cancer before can increase the risk of it recurring. Hence, you have to be extra careful if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer before.
5. Weight
Being overweight and obese can increase the risk of breast cancer. Food high in sugar can also increase the risk of breast cancer in women.
6. Exposure to radiation
If you have undergone radiation treatment for different conditions in the past, you are at risk of getting breast cancer. So, stay alert regarding the signs of breast cancer, as early detection can cure the problem.
7. Consumption of alcohol
Consumption of alcohol has a direct effect on the chances of getting breast cancer. Higher consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Women who drink infrequently have a lesser chance of developing breast cancer.
8. Hormone therapy or treatment
HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and oral contraceptives increase the risk of getting breast cancer. Medications taken to treat menopause can also aggravate the risk of breast cancer in women.
9. Dense breast tissue
Women who have dense breast tissue have a higher chance of developing breast cancer. Women who have lighter breast tissues are safe and less likely to have this condition. Sometimes, fat in the breast can also stop the formation of breast cancer in women.
These are some of the significant risks of breast cancer. Being aware of them can help you minimize the risks of getting breast cancer.