Popular Myths About Birth Control Methods
When it comes to safe sex, knowledge is powerful and can help you stay safe. It’s amazing that in this day and age there are still common and popular misconceptions about birth control methods which can be harmful and dangerous to your health. Not knowing how to protect yourself can lead to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Whether you’re a woman or a man, understanding the ins and outs of birth control can help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health. To help you separate between fact and fiction here are the more popular myths about birth control methods:
1. Birth control can be a cause of weight gain
It is a popular misconception associated with birth control methods that states that hormonal contraception can be a cause for weight gain among women, though several researches have shown that there is no specific link between them. Generally, most women begin birth control during a time when other physical changes also take place, so it is easy to blame those physical changes on birth control.
2. Contraceptive pills can cause cancer
This is also one of the most popular misconceptions associated with birth control methods, but there is no evidence to support this statement. Besides, some of the birth control methods can reduce the chances of getting uterine and ovarian cancer.
3. Birth control pills will affect the ability to fertilize
This is another most well-known misconception associated with the main types of contraception/birth control methods. While birth control methods are not responsible for infertility, sexually transmitted diseases can be. Birth control methods only rule out unwanted pregnancies. But you can conceive whenever you are ready.
4. The implant is visible to everyone
There is a popular belief that the implant inserted under your skin can be visible to others, but this is not true at all. You can feel it if you press the implant or the spot where it was inserted, but it is not visible to others.
5. Male contraceptive pills
There are only two options for males to control birth, which are vasectomies and condoms. No other option is introduced yet. So, you might hear about male contraceptive pills, but that is completely a lie.
6. Sex without ejaculation is safe
There is also another popular misconception about birth control, which is that sex without ejaculation is safe, meaning if men do not ejaculate in their partners’ genitals, then their partners are safe. Unfortunately, it is not the truth because if semen or sperm pass out during sex without proper ejaculation, then your partner might have an unwanted pregnancy.
7. Using two condoms is the safest option
This is another myth that says that using two condoms or a tight one could offer you extra protection, but it is not true in any sense. If your partner and you are both using condoms, then there is an increased risk of unwanted pregnancy because the condoms can tear.