Dietary vs. Clinical Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Dietary vs. Clinical Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can be cured by undergoing some dietary changes or clinical treatments. However, there are several factors and cons of clinical treatments that you must be aware of. Sometimes, clinical treatments can produce effective results but can also put you in discomfort. Dietary treatments, on the other hand, are easy to follow and can cure the disorder without causing you any trouble.

If you are confused about the right type of treatment for sleep apnea, then you must know that the type of treatment depends on the type of sleep apnea you have.

The treatment for sleep apnea is entirely dependent on the stage of this disorder. If you are in a severe stage then you must consult a medical practitioner and follow the clinical therapies along with dietary changes. You might know that clinical treatments may cause you some discomfort and you may have to choose dietary treatments to avoid the discomfort.

Some trouble which you may face due to clinical treatments include the following:

1. Discomfort
You may face some serious discomfort due to the clinical treatment for sleep apnea which can also worsen this disorder. If you have mild sleep apnea then clinical therapies are ineffective and might produce discomfort to you. Dietary implications can prevent this disorder whereas clinical therapies can only cure it but do not prevent it.

2. Ineffectiveness of medication
Most people get effective results from medication to cure sleep apnea but there are several cases wherein medication is effective in curing only one symptom while other symptoms stay. Dietary changes can improve the condition and prevent the disorder from worsening. Serotonin is one of the widely used pharmaceutical agents to cure sleep apnea but it does not reduce the daytime sleepiness.

3. Failures of surgery and oral devices
Surgery is a popularly recommended treatment for sleep apnea but it also produces some failures. Surgery requires a successful diagnosis of the disorder and only then can you proceed further. Dietary changes can also eliminate the risk factors in mild stages but clinical treatments are not able to cure it during this stage. There are several oral devices to cure sleep apnea but they have failed in many cases and do not show some long-term effectiveness.

4. Slow-moving process
The entire clinical treatment for sleep apnea is a very slow-moving process and it shows results after a long term of medication. You might be surprised to know that you will lack interest after getting no improvements. However, dietary treatments will show a quick result. You will see rapid improvements after maintaining some dietary and lifestyle changes.

You are not advised to avoid doctors for treatment of this disorder but assess the stage you are in. You must then accordingly consult a doctor for the cure of this irritable disorder.