Factors That Help Keep Lawns Naturally Green
Everyone with a yard wants a lush and green lawn that is the envy of their neighborhood. The secret to a naturally green lawn is providing it with appropriate nutrients to ensure it stays healthy all year long. However, a natural lawn may also be home to different organisms that could often be overlooked. These organisms and plants help keep the lawn green and natural-looking. The following tips will help you achieve the lush lawn of your dreams: 1. Watering the lawn on time It is ideal to water the lawn early in the morning as most of the water from day time watering may be lost by evaporation. Overwatering of the lawn should be avoided as it is more damaging than not watering enough. When the water is scarce, lawn grasses have an effective coping strategy known as dormancy. A lot of water can be saved by allowing the plants to go dormant. A half-inch of water every other week helps the grass to bounce back and improve its condition, thereby keeping it natural and green. It is best to stay off drought-stressed grass. Correct watering helps microorganisms to grow and keep the lawn naturally healthy as well. 2.
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